
Michael Selvanayagam

The Deputy Mayor,
The Council elected Councillor Toni Letts to serve as Mayor of Croydon
Croydon, London

The Mayor The Council elected Councillor Toni Letts to serve as Mayor of Croydon for 2017-18. The Deputy Mayor is Councillor Mike Selva. Role of the Mayor The Mayor is the borough's First Citizen and represents Croydon at hundreds of civic, ceremonial and social engagements throughout the year. The Mayor gives priority to supporting organisations and individuals who in their various ways contribute to the well-being of the community and is eager to attend their events and to participate in celebrating their achievements and milestones. The Mayor welcomes invitations from the widest possible range of local organisations such as community, charitable and voluntary groups, schools, churches and other religious groups, businesses, residential homes, as well as from those that contribute to the cultural life of the borough. The role of the Mayor is a non-political one; she represents every section of the community.

  K Veeramani AWARD FOR Social Justice

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